USA:s banksektor i kaos: En övergripande titt på den "stora konsolideringen" och de största bankmisslyckanden av 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. banking industry. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

Guld faller på högre amerikanska statsräntor, Dollar

Prices of gold, and other precious metals, fell on Wednesday due to stronger U.S. yields and national currency. The decline comes on the backdrop of expectations of new interest rate increases next month amid persistent inflation in the United States and

USA:s bankutlåning sjunker rekordartat $105 Miljarder på två veckor, Biljoner flyttar till penningmarknadskonton, Elon Musk varnar "Trenden kommer att accelerera"

The banking industry in the United States is still struggling after the collapse of three major banks. According to statistics, bank lending in the U.S. has dropped by close to $105 billion in the last two weeks of March, vilket är…

Google Trends-data avslöjar sökningar efter "bankkris,’ ‘Bankkörningar,’ Skyrocket

Interest in the U.S. banking crisis has risen greatly over the past two weeks, as shown by Google Trends data. There has been a sharp increase in queries related to search terms such asbanking crisis,” “bank collapse,” och “bank failure.”…

Miljardären "Bond King" Jeffrey Gundlach förväntar sig att Fed höjer räntorna nästa vecka - "Det skulle vara den sista höjningen"

Billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach, aka theBond King,” expects the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at its March meeting next week, som “would be the last increase,” han sa. För övrigt, Gundlach cautioned: “The inflationary policy is back in play with

"Fiat är bräcklig" - Silicon Valley Banks kollaps ger fingerpekande och oro för smitta

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has become the center of attention after its collapse prompted the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to shut the bank down on Friday. It was the largest U.S. bank failure since 2008, and various alleged catalysts

Silicon Valley Bank möter ekonomiska elände när lagret stoppas, Säljer $21 Miljardobligationsportfölj på en $1.8 Miljardförlust

På marsch 10, 2023, market observers are discussing the troubles Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) faces, as the firm’s stock slid more than 60% in the last 24 timmar. SVB was forced to sell a $21 billion bond portfolio at a $1.8

amerikanska banken, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, UBS aktieförutsägelser om ytterligare Fed-räntehöjningar

amerikanska banken, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, och UBS har delat med sig av sina förutsägelser om att Federal Reserve höjer räntorna ytterligare. Bank of America och Goldman Sachs, till exempel, förväntar sig nu att Fed höjer räntorna ytterligare tre gånger i år….

Feds inflationsdata visar att KPI kommer att höjas i framtiden, USA:s bruttostatsskuld $31 Biljon

A recently published forecast stemming from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands Inflation Nowcasting data indicates upcoming U.S. konsumentprisindex (KPI) metrics will likely be elevated. The newly predicted CPI levels were recorded the same day Americas gross national debt

Rapportera: Feds hemliga repolån till megabanker i 2020 Förmörkad 2008 Bailouts, Datadump visar $48 Biljoner i stealth-finansiering

Following the controversial bank bailouts and Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) i 2008, reports show in late 2019 och 2020, USA. Federal Reserve participated in providing trillions of dollars in secret repo loans to megabanks. At the end of March,…